Four ways to interpret ‘normal’ comment

Health Minister Adrian Dix, addressing the most underfunded, overworked, collapsed heath-care facility in Canada at Surrey Memorial Hospital, states that “this is the new normal.”

This extraordinary admission can be interpreted in several ways, all of them examples of profound failures by our government’s health-care policies.

Interpretation 1. This failed health-care delivery is as good as it can get. We can’t make it any better. Just grin and bear it. Be like your minister … accept the increased mortality and morbidity rates.

Interpretation 2. We have deliberately not invested in this facility over many years because we are quite happy to see standards decline to the new ­“normal.” 

Interpretation 3. We have no need to think of innovative forward planning measures. Why should we? That would make the situation abnormal!

Interpretation 4. The recent surge in patient numbers has become so frequent that it has normalized the crisis. This deliberately ignores the fact that without such surges, the facility is still and has been for years, grossly underfunded, overworked, bursting with inadequate care.

Dix’s speech reflected disregard for B.C. residents’ lives and suffering and insults the dignity of all health-care staff who work under impossible conditions.

To blame a previous government for the current situation when his party has been in power for six years displays ­contempt for accepting any responsibility.

This minister is entirely unsuited to the job at hand.

Dr. Adrian Fine, MD, FRCP

Director, BC Health Care Matters

Printed in Times Colonist -

NEW NORMAL Comment can be read here - CLICK


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